At Waverly Elementary School, our mission is to create an environment of excellence in teaching and learning where students reach high academic standards and learn to be caring and responsible citizens.
Our four overarching commitments include:
Value- Every HCPSS stakeholder feels happy and rewarded in their roles and takes pride in cultivating the learning community.
Achieve- An individual focus supports every person in reaching milestones for success.
Connect- Students and staff thrive in a safe, nurturing and inclusive culture that embraces diversity.
Empower- Schools, families and the community are mutually invested in student achievement and well-being.
Our school improvement plan was created with data from our students' progress and goals set by each of our instructional teams. We meet as a School Improvement Team several times a year to implement, reflect and adjust this plan. Additionally, all staff are members on various committees that are designed to enhance our effective implementation of this plan.
To view our 2023-2024 School Improvement Plan, click here: Waverly's 23-24 SIP Snapshot